Interview With The Murtad (unedited)

Posted: May 4, 2014 in Politics, Psychology, Religion, Social, Thought Crime

10303172_667359983329254_6772693801241231757_nThose who are interested to seek for the truth, will make time for it.  So I made the front page news (EXCLUSIVE!!).  Here’s the full interview between me and Ikram Ismail, Harian Metro journalist.  No edit save for a few spelling mistakes here and there.  I didn’t have to read the final article in the papers; I was asked for a photo, which I provided, and seeing how my photo was blurred to look like a criminal, I already knew where it was going.  So yeah, I just have two words for you – Intellectual integrity.  Or are those words too big for your understanding?

Interview with the Murtad

  1. bunga putih says:

    Dear Juli,

    I have read your interview and i like your honesty. I am so proud of you becoming a successful female malay working abroad especially in Scandinavian country . You are so smart and you use a lot of logical thinking. However don’t blame the religion. It is the people who do not practice their religion who act wrongly., ‘ i don’t think you have done searching for the true religion which is ISLAM. You need someone to guide you because when you do it alone, there will be always syaitan. Don’t give up in ALLAH. I wish you well and find peace in Islam. Amin. Take care
    (PS: You look young for a 43 years old lady 🙂

    • Well, this is exactly what I meant. I am clearly not interested so please leave me already, and lay off the Allah talk. I don’t believe god exists, and if people are smart, they’ll see the reason I blame religion is because the people are behaving like assholes. I blame both, how about it? I don’t need your permission for my conclusion. You are welcome not to agree with me, but this is my blog, so I will say whatever I damn please. It’s getting annoying when people say those things “you need someone to guide you,” “don’t give on Allah,” *rolleyes* oh come one! give it a rest already! it stopped being funny after the hundredth Muslim repeated the same thing, like a parrot. So please, we can disagree but I wish you no harm. and I wish Muslims are the same way too (but they’re not).

      • jason king says:

        hye juli… u r suck… jijik betol kau ni… nanti jangan kau mengaku sudah masok kristian pulak,orang kristian pun tak mau orang jijik macam kau ni….

      • waezhae says:

        1.Dari mana asal Kentut?
        Dari gas dalam usus. Gas dalam usus berasal
        dari udara yang kita telan, gas yang menerobos
        ke usus dari darah, gas dari reaksi kimia dan
        gas dari bakteria perut.
        2. Apa komposisi Kentut?
        Berubah-ubah. Makin banyak udara anda telan,
        makin banyak kadar nitrogen dalam kentut
        (oksigen dalam udara terabsorbsi oleh tubuh
        sebelum sampai usus). Adanya bakteria dan
        reaksi kimia antara asid perut dan cairan usus
        menghasilkan karbon dioksida. Bakteria juga
        menghasilkan metana dan hidrogen. Proporsi
        masing-masing gas tergantung apa yang anda
        makan, berapa banyak uidara yang tertelan, jenis
        bakteria dalam usus, berapa lama kita menahan
        kentut. Makin lama menahan kentut, makin
        banyak kadar nitrogen dalam kentut kerana gas-
        gas lain terserap oleh darah melalui dinding
        usus. Orang yang makannya tergesa-gesa kadar
        oksigen dalam kentutnya lebih banyak kerana
        tubuh tidak sempat menyerap oksigen.
        3. Kenapa Kentut berbau busuk?
        Bau kentut kerana kandungan hidrogen sulfida
        dan merkaptan. Kedua bahan ini mengandung
        sulfur (belerang). Makin banyak kandungan
        sulfur dalam makanan anda, makin banyak sulfur
        dan merkaptan dihasilkan oleh bakteria dalam
        perut dan makin busuklah kentut anda. Telur
        dan daging berperanan besar dalam
        menghasilkan bau busuk kentut. Kacang-kacang
        berperanan dalam menghasilkan volume kentut
        dan bukan kebusukannya.
        4. Kenapa Kentut menimbulkan bunyi?
        Oleh kerana adanya vibrasi lubang anus pada
        saat kentut dihasilkan. Kerasnya bunyi
        bergantung kelajuan gas.
        5. Kenapa Kentut yang busuk itu hangat dan
        tidak bersuara?
        Salah satu sumber kentut adalah
        bakteria. Fermentasi bakteria dan proses
        pencernaan menghasilkan panas, dan hasil
        sampingannya adalah gas busuk. Ukuran
        gelembung gas lebih kecil, panas dan dengan
        produk metabolisme bakteria yang berbau
        busuk. Ini kemudian menjadi kentut, walau
        hanya kecil volumenya tapi SBD (Silent but
        6. Berapa banyak Kentut dihasilkan dalam
        Rata-rata setengah liter sehari dalam 14 kali
        7. Mengapa Kentut keluar melalui lubang dubur?
        Kerana density-nya lebih ringan, mengapa gas
        tidak melakukan perjalanan ke atas? Tidak
        demikian. Gerak peristaltik usus mendorong
        isinya ke arah bawah. Tekanan di sekitar anus
        lebih rendah. Gerak peristaltik usus menjadikan
        ruang menjadi bertekanan, sehingga memaksa isi
        usus termasuk gas-ganya untuk bergerak ke
        kawasan yang bertekanan lebih rendah, iaitu
        sekitar anus. Dalam perjalanan ke arah anus,
        gelembung-gelembung kecil bergabung menjadi
        gelembung besar. Kalau tidak ada gerak
        peristaltik, gelembung gas akan menerobos ke
        atas lagi, tapi tidak terlalu jauh kerana bentuk
        usus yang rumit dan berbelit-belit.
        8. Berapa lama masa yang diperlukan Kentut
        untuk melakukan perjalanan ke hidung orang
        Bergantung keadaan udara seperti kelembapan,
        suhu, kelajuan dan arah angin, berat molekul gas
        kentut, jarak antara transmitter dengan
        receiver. begiotu meninggalkan sumbernya, gas
        kentut menyebar dan konsenstrasinya
        berkurang. Kalau kentut tidak dikesan dalam
        beberapa saat bererti ianya mengalami
        pengcernaan di udara dan hilang ditelan udara
        selam-lamanya. Kecuali kalau anda kentut di
        tempat sempit seperti lif atau kereta,
        konsentrasinya lebih banyak sehingga baunya
        akan berlegar dalam waktu lama sampai diserap
        oleh dinding.
        9. Apakah setiap orang Kentut?
        Sudah pasti, kalau masih hidup. Sesaat setelah
        matipun orang masih boleh kentut .
        10. Betulkan laki-laki sering kentut lebih
        daripada perempuan?
        Tidak ada hubungannya dengan gender. Kalau
        benar, maka perempuan menahan kentutnya dan
        saat kentut, banyak sekali jumlah yang
        11. Saat apa biasanya orang Kentut?
        Pagi hari saat di tandas, yang disebut â €
        œmorning thunderâ €. Kalau resonansinya
        bagus, boleh kedengaran di seluruh penjuru
        12. Mengapa kacang-kacangan menyebabkan
        banyak kentut?
        Kacang-kacangan mengandungi zat gula yang
        tidak boleh dicerna tubuh. Zat gula tersebut
        (raffinose, stachiose, verbascose) jika sampai di
        usus, bakteria di usus berpesta dan
        menghasilkan gas. Jagung, kubis, susu juga
        penyebab banyak kentut (bukan baunya).
        13. Selain makanan, apa saja penyebab Kentut?
        Udara yang tertelan, makan terburu-buru, makan
        tanpa dikunyah, minum soft drink, naik pesawat
        udara (kerana tekanan udara lebih rendah,
        sehingga gas di dalam usus mengalami
        ekspansi, sehingga muncul sebagai kentut).
        14. Apakah kentut sama dengan sendawa, tapi
        muncul di lain lubang?
        Tidak. Sendawa muncul dari perut, komposisi
        kimianya lain dengan kentut. Sendawa
        mengandung udara lebih banyak, kentut
        mengandung gas yang dihasilkan oleh bakteria
        lebih banyak.
        15. Kemana perginya kentut kalau ditahan atau
        tidak dikeluarkan?
        Bukan diserap oleh darah, bukan hilang kerana
        bocor. Kentut berhijrah menuju ke bahagian atas
        menuju usus dan pada gilirannya akan keluar
        juga. Jadi bukan lenyap, hanya mengalami
        16. Mungkinkah kentut terbakar?
        Kentut mengandung metana, hidrogen yang
        combustible (gas alam mengandung komponen
        ini juga). Kalau terbakar, nyalaannya berwarna
        biru kerana kandungan unsur hidrogen.
        17. Bolehkah menyalakan korek api dengan
        Jangan mengada-ada! Konsistensinya
        lain. Juga suhunya tidak cukup panas untuk
        memulakan pembakaran.
        18. Mengapa Kentut anjing dan kucing lebih
        Kerana kucing dan anjing adalah
        karnivor. Daging kaya dengan protein. Protein
        mengandung banyak sulfur, jadi kentut binatang
        ini lebih busuk. Lain dengan horbivor seperti
        gajah, kuda, kambing yang menghasilkan banyak
        kentut, lebih lama, lebih keras bunyinya, tapi
        relatif tidak berbau.
        19. Betulkah pening kepala kalau mencium bau
        kentut 2-3 kali berturut-turut?
        Kentut mengandung sedikit oksigen. Mungkin
        sedikit saja anda akan mengalami pening kepala
        kalau mencium bau kentut terlalu banyak.
        20. Apakah warna kentut?
        Tidak berwarna. Kalau warnanya oren seperti
        gas nitrogen oksida akan tahulah siapa yang
        21. Apakah kentut itu acid, basa, atau neutral
        kerana mengandungi karbon dioksida (CO2) dan
        hidrogen sulfida (H2S).
        22. Apakah yang terjadi kalau seseorang kentut
        di planet venus?
        Planet venus sudah banyak mengandungi sulfur
        (belerang) di lapisan udaranya, jadi kentut di
        sana tidak akan banyak pengaruhnya. density-nya
        lebih ringan, mengapa gas
        tidak melakukan perjalanan ke atas? Tidak
        demikian. Gerak peristaltik usus mendorong
        isinya ke arah bawah. Tekanan di sekitar anus
        lebih rendah. Gerak peristaltik usus menjadikan
        ruang menjadi bertekanan, sehingga memaksa isi
        usus termasuk gas-ganya untuk bergerak ke
        kawasan yang bertekanan lebih rendah, iaitu
        sekitar anus. Dalam perjalanan ke arah anus,
        gelembung-gelembung kecil bergabung menjadi
        gelembung besar. Kalau tidak ada gerak
        peristaltik, gelembung gas akan menerobos ke
        atas lagi, tapi tidak terlalu jauh kerana bentuk
        usus yang rumit dan berbelit-belit

      • stan says:

        mind u…never entangle with local journalist /SBs…they r fuct ed up

      • Notice how he never introduced himself from which newspaper and for what purpose? I have journalist friends this isn’t the first time I had been interviewed. They admit this is unethical.

      • rip says:

        may you burn in hell

      • why don’t you pray to Allah to make me burn in hell? seems like Allah is one powerless motherfucker who cannot even stop me on this earth.

  2. Allah says:

    I has came

  3. Beng Ooi says:

    I read Quran and I know its a violence book all talking about fighting…its not suitable for our time. Never in any other religion holy book will talking about fighting killing whoever not following Islam or Mohamad commandment.

    Most of the Muslim not even read a Quran for the whole life, not to mention about other religion holy book.

    I wish all Muslim reading Quran and understand it, not just reciting without knowing its meaning as if a blind person. Science have proved Allah is wrong on the origin of earth and universe formation. Don’t be fool by allah and mohamad. Read more, not only Islam but anythings else.

  4. Yati Zubir says:

    I know you have got it all in this world. Good life, good job, happiness. You did it all by yourself. You don’t need anybody, anymore. You can live on your own effort, breath your own air and eat your own food and do whatever you like. Nobody should care for you. I only wonder if you would think the same on your death bed. When sakaratul maut approaches. If you would think about your mom and dad. Your hopes, what awaits you in the ground 6 ft below.. well, we all are accountable for everything we do because we are men an women with akal unlike the rest.

    • When I don’t believe Allah exists, that also includes no afterlife, no Satan, no heaven or hell, no sakaratul maut, etc. Those are fairy tales designed to strike fear into your hearts so that the authority can have control over you. I don’t have your fear, so your projection of your fear onto me is meaningless.

  5. laki xensem says:

    if u feel lonely…then marry me…i will guide u…btw…i think u re nice and beautiful…..

  6. walid al jumblatt says:

    dah baca temuduga tu …adusss napa banyak sangat temberang….sori lah twisted brain…..di doa kan Allah beri kamu taufik dan hidayah.untuk kembali lah kepada fitrah kamu.

  7. oranges says:

    Best student SPM 1988 atau 1989? Kelantan?

  8. marikh azahari says:


    Tiada kesedihan yg lebih memedihkan apabila membaca penulisan ini. Apa yg hendak aku sampaikan disini adalah semata-mata atas rasa kasih di antara kita sesama manusia.
    Tiada apa yg mampu diri ini utk katakan melainkan semoga Dia yang Maha Mencipta segala-galanya dari tiada menjadi ada dan dari awal hingga akhirnya.

    Tunjukkanlah kepada kami jalan yang sebenar-benarnya dan kurniakanlah kpd kami cahaya dari rahmat Mu yang teragung dgn berkat asma ul husna serta rahsia yg terkandung di dlm Izmu Al Azam..

    Aku sujud kpd Mu skrg wahai Pencipta segala-galanya, perkenankanlah rayuan ini. Aminnn

    • Yang aku tak paham sesangat, orang Islam ni kan, suka nak menunjuk2 bila dia berdoa. kalau kau berdoa sendiri2 diam2 tak boleh ker? Nak kena riak? Mintak maaplah, doa kau tu tak ikhlas sebenarnya. Kalau tuhan tu wujud, dia tahu apa yang sebenarnya dalam hati kau.

  9. Yati says:

    I know you have got it all in this world. Good life, good job, happiness. You did it all by yourself. You don’t need anybody, anymore. You can live on your own effort, breath your own air and eat your own food and do whatever you like. Nobody should care for you. You don’t need love from people close to you.
    I only wonder if you would think the same on your death bed. When sakaratul maut approaches. If you would think about mak…? Will my body be buried or cremated? Which graveyard or crematorium or which memorial or which sea? Will anybody make doa for me? Or will I need none of it? I am able to fend for myself still? Or I will die like a worm, rotten and that’s it?
    Well, we are accountable for everything we do because we are men an women with akal unlike the rest.

    • What you are doing is imposing your fear of your religion onto me. See, I don’t have that fear. You assume your religion is the correct one. How self-centered is that? what if Buddhism is the right religion? Or Christianity? Or Eskimo religion? Do you know how many religions in the world? Hundreds of thousands. Why is your claim much better than other religion? Isn’t that arrogant of you to think that just because Islam is the religion you were born in, you become absolutely right?

      • Yati says:

        Life is very short. Seems like only yesterday we were in mrsm kt. Now we are already in our 40s. How much time left do we have? We won’t be here forever. We live to prepare for the next world. Pernah dengar kan? Dunia tempat bercucuk tanam? Is preparing for death equivalent to fear of death?
        We prepare our materials for presentation to our clients. Does that mean we are fearful of our clients? We study for exams. We cook to eat. The list goes on.
        Unless we will die and rot like a worm, it doesn’t matter if we just drop dead by the roadside. No need to prepare for anything, right?
        I don’t condemn other religion. But I stand by my belief. We were born Muslim, that includes you, and I pray that I will die a Muslim too.

      • Again, you can have your belief and do whatever you want with it. Commenting on my blog about how wrong I am only shows how insecure you are about your faith. To me, that is the height of arrogance and fear. You don’t condemn other religion, but your speech about how “We were born Muslim, that includes you, and I pray that I will die a Muslim too.” is arrogance disguised as humility.

        I DON’T GIVE A DAMN. may I suggest stop reading my writings so that you can remain an arrogant bigot? You mean nothing to me, just a stranger seeking validation from another stranger on the internet. I’m not impressed.

  10. marikh azahari says:

    When you said,
    “kalau tuhan tu wujud, dia tahu apa yang sebenarnya dalam hati kau”.

    keep on searching deep inside…perhaps by converting to other religious and comparing all the differences. Then only you will find the answer…
    He knows best when we are trying to find the right path.

    Who created the galaxy, setting every planets at its orbit. Does it exist by itself? Or there is actually an almighty power that started all of it?
    And how did actually a fetus growing up in a womb of the mother by not breathing by it lungs and not eating through the mouth, but all went through the umbilical of the growing embrio. How did the baby survive 9 months and 10 days in the amnion liquid in the womb?
    Two souls living in a single human body with two feelings, the mother and the baby. How does this actually happen?
    How about the wind blows? Can we see the wind? No we cant! But yes we can feel it. The wind is invisible to us. And there are so many other invisibles that is beyond our capability as human to see with our own eyes. An who is the big boss to all of that?

    Last but not least, ilmu ketuhanan adalah ilmu rasa not by logical thinking. Sebab itu kepercayaan setiap agama adalah menjurus kpd perkara ghaib. Terlalu banyak benda ghaib didalam dunia yang tidak terjawab oleh ilmu sains melainkan menerusi ilmu agama. But if we think we know everything, then there’s no God for us.

    Tujuan aku menulis doa itu riyak? Inshaa Allah tak…
    Tapi semata-mata, biar terpahat disini. Sebab bila tertulis di langit, mana mungkin utk kau nampak.
    Takde mendatangkan faedah pun riyak.

    But u…yes u…

    Untunglah masih ada strangers yg masih ambil berat.
    Kalau ikutkan sifat manusia hina, apa nak kami kisahkan.
    kau nak murtad kau punya pasal la…yang duduk neraka selama2nya ialah kau.
    bukannya kami. Sebab kami yakin dgn Allah dan kami yakin dgn agama Allah.

    Kau nak kata kami self centred? Yes! Memang kami self centred. Itulah menunjukkan bahawa keyakinan iman kami kukuh dan tidak goyah sekali-kali terhadap agama Allah. Biarpun diuji dengan berbagai dugaan dan ujian, biarpun diuji dengan segala bentuk nikmat dan kemewahan. Kami yakin dgn tuhan kami yg satu, tidak beranak dan tidak diperanakkan. Tidak ada isteri dan tidak ada anak. Kalau ada semua benda tu, bukan tuhan namanya tu.

    Sedangkan kau telah menghina Tuhan yg mencipta kau setelah Dia kurniakan kau kebijaksanaan, Dia kurniakan kau rezeki yg melimpah ruah, Dia kurniakan kau berbagai-bagai nikmat yg pada mata kau hanyalah kegelapan yg tertutup. Lalu kau menjadi sombong, angkuh dan bongkak. Pendirian kau rapuh dan iman kau goyah, mudah sungguh iblis membelenggu leher kau sehingga kau turutkan segala sifat-sifatnya yg keji. Bangga diri, ego yg tinggi, sombong dan bongkak terhadap sekeliling kau. Bukan setakat pada sahabat handai, sesama manusia, lebih hebat lagi kau terlungkupkan iman kau menyembah bumi bagaikan Firaun yg mencabar tuhan. Sedangkan kau ini tercipta dari air mani yg hina dan segumpal daging asal dari Tanah.
    Astaghfirullahil azim

    Apa yg kami lakukan ini bukanlah daya upaya kami melainkan Allah jualah yg menitipkan dihati kami rasa kasih sesama umat, sbb itulah atas kehendaknya yg mendorong kami menyampaikan kata2 ini semua.

    Terpulang kpd kau…
    Tiada sebarang paksaan buat kau…
    Carilah tuhan, tuhan tu ada. Cuma kau je nanti takda.

    Sekian, tiada lagi risalah dr aku selepas ini..

    Semoga Allah redha…

    • rip says:

      well said

    • Sebelum ko nak claim Allah buat itu ini, buat planet buat galaksi ape jadah sumer, ko kena buktikan dulu Allah tu wujud. Kalau tak, ko sembang pun macam tin kosong takde gunanya.

      • Ritz says:

        itu lah letaknya iman seseorang..ko nak pikir logik je mmg x dapat lah…pe guna belajar tauhid, kasian sama kau

      • ex mrsmkt says:

        kak(since you my senior),
        let me give you the situation. angin. you cant see it right. you cant grab on it. but you can feel it. we all know angin tu ada just cant see it. thats Allah SWT. tak nampak. tapi we believe, He’s out there. always watching us whatever we do, wherever we go. and Allah takkan pernah berhenti untuk terima taubat nasuha kita sampai laa terbitnya matahari ni sebelah barat.

      • Ada pulak bagi analogi angin. Angin kita tak nampak. Macam kentut tak nampak tapi ada bau sebab kita tau kentut tu mengandungi gas hydrogen sulfide yang berbau busuk. Macam la angin jugak, walaupun tak nampak, kita boleh ukur menggunakan alat2 seperti pengukur tekanan udara. Udara kat altitude tinggi nipis sebab atmosphere nipis so tekanan rendah. Kat muka bumi tekanan udara adalah 1 atm. Kita boleh rasa udara berhembus, boleh ukur kelajuan udara. Kalau letak tepung, boleh nampak tepung dibawa angin. Kita boleh pam udara dalam tank, dalam tayar. Boleh tengok molecule udara guna electron microscope.

        Allah boleh diukur ke? Semua benda berkait allah cuma orang yg cakap. Takde orang pernah eksperimen pun.

  11. hurm…

    at some points, you were right. but of course, there will always explanation on everything you have questions. but i’m not interested to be the explainer as i believe u dont interested on it either. so, let it be. Lets just respect each other as human being as u always wish.

    and if ikram had read this, i wish to thank him for a wonderful interview he has had and how he react on ur explanations and accusations towards Islam. Good Job Bro! Islam need more people likes u.

    and, hey Juli… hopes u sihat2 di sana. 🙂 yup.. mmg teringin sangat menjelajah ke negara sebelah sana especially europe. wish to visit Spain sbb ada banyak sejarah yang menarik minat saya di sana. sungguh.

    and as what i have read on ur interview tu, i hopes u can keep on writing and spreading awareness (like the puppy story :)) and building up people motivation. i like that and at some point its actually educate me indirectly. There, i learnt many english vocabs and sentences. oh ya, i also learnt how to curse people cynically in English. hehehe

    And also, i learnt how u dealt with people commenting on ur post. how u replied them. Of course there are goods and bads, sometimes serve them right i believe.

    so kept on writing.

    but, please my dear, stop criticise on Islam. stop insulting Islam. ia tak membantu kamu untuk menjadikan penulisan blog sebagai satu bentuk pelajaran dan menghebahkan kesedaran kepada para pembaca. of course u have the right to write everything u want, but ia tak memberikan kebaikan kepada sesiapa seperti yang kamu inginkan. kerana apabila mengkritik dan menghina kepercayaan seseorang, sudah tentu ada reaksi tindak balas daripada mereka yang gagal mengawal emosi. yang menggunakan kekerasan instead of menggunakan intellectual integrity. and i believe, semua kepercayaan mempunyai pengamal yang sangat extreme sehingga tidak boleh ditegur langsung.

    And of course, kebebasan memang perlu dikawal. Kerana diluar sana, ada ramai orang yang bertindak melebihi daripada yang sepatutnya. Tidak kira apa bangsa dan agama sekalipun. Apabila mereka rasa kepentingan mereka cuba diganggu gugat, dan mereka tidak mampu memberikan jawapan yang terbaik, maka tindakan kekerasan seperti bergaduh, berperang dan sebagainya akan diambil.

    Saya percaya, masih terdapat commenter yang berada di sini mempunyai pemikiran yang rasional. Yang mungkin, kalau tidak banyak, tetapi sedikit di antara kami ni mempunyai sifat kasih sayang sesama manusia yang sangat tinggi. Dan mereka concern if u keep on criticise and insult Islam, ada antara mereka diluar sana mengambil tindakan yang salah yang boleh membahayakan kamu.

    Tidak ada mana2 kepercayaan, bangsa dan negara pun yang membenarkan kebebasan tanpa batasan.

    Dear Juli, kamu ada peluang untuk menyelamatkan mereka yang berada diluar sana, yang mungkin sekarang ini sedang dalam keadaan bergelut dengan apa yang berlaku pada kamu in the past. Seperti salah satu komen yang saya baca dalam “How It All Started” oleh Arshia Malik yang memberitahu dia tidak akan membenarkan anaknya keseorangan bersama orang yang tidak dikenali. Even family member yang diragui sekalipun. Hey, it really makes me realize that I shud take the same step as what Arshia had. I should thank you for post that kind of article so those people can share their experience. So we, you, me and all people out there, boleh membantu menghentikan pencabulan ke atas kanak2 kecil yang tidak mampu bersuara atau bertindak sebagaimana patutnya.

    And my dear Juli, manakah yang lebih baik; sedang kamu berjalan- jalan diluar, tetapi ada orang tidak dikenali tiba- tiba menegur kamu dan mengucapkan terima kasih atas posting2 u yang membina; atau seseorang menegur kamu dan terus marah2 dan perkataan yang kurang menyenangkan?

    Saya percaya disebalik keengganan kamu menerima Islam, saya percaya ada good value dalam diri kamu. Sifat kasih itu saya percaya masih ada. Sifat jangan mengambil hak orang lain pun masih ada. Sifat saling hormat menghormati pun masih ada. Dan bermacam2 sifat baik saya rasakan masih ada. Dan pada saya, kamu sama seperti orang biasa lain di luar sana. Sifat2 baik orang lain diluar sana. Kita cuma berbeza pemikiran mengenai agama. Hanya reaksi orang lain terhadap penulisan kamu sahaja yang menjadikan kamu sepertimana kamu hari ini. Tidak apa. Dalam dunia ni, ada orang baik, orang jahat, orang yang faham, yang tak faham, yang sombong dan tidak dan bermacam2 lagi. Tidak kira la apa agama, bangsa dan negara mereka.

    So, saya merayu, cukup2lah mengkritik dan hina Islam. Ye, saya tidak cuba menasihati. Jauh sekali untuk mengajari kamu. Jangan fikirkan begitu kalau kamu rasakan saya cuba tunjuk pandai. Saya Cuma menyayangi agama saya sahaja dan cuba bersahabat dengan semua orang. Tidak kiralah apa pemahaman dan kepercayaan sekalipun.

    Sepertimana kamu menyayangi puppy kamu, sudah tentu kamu kurang senang apabila orang mengganggunya.


    p/s : maafkan english saya, kerana saya masih terus belajar..

    • Islam needs more people like that reporter? Did you miss the part how unethical and conniving he was? pretending to be a friend and completely misrepresent what I said? That is Islam, and if I don’t respect Islam because of the behavior of its people, it’s well justified.

      You can love your religion all your want. Just don’t shove it down somebody’s throat. Using the law to silence murtads like me, and for what? because of your hurt feelings.

      Your hurt feelings are nothing compared to discrimination and prejudice against the minorities in our country. The LGBT, murtads who cannot leave the religion freely, syiahs, quranists, these are minorities who are harassed, and put in jail because Muslims are idiots.

      Saya ganggu ugama awak? Ugama is an ideology. People have rights. Ideologies do not have rights. You’re comparing Islam with a puppy? Islam is not a living thing that requires protection. Learn the difference.

      • nory says:

        “Islam needs more people like that reporter? Did you miss the part how unethical and conniving he was? pretending to be a friend and completely misrepresent what I said?”

        Ikram Ismail: Yep.. But not all the conversation will be in my write up

        Emilie de Strange: You’ve talked to me yourself, what do you think? A good journalist should be able to make good conclusion heheh

        bukan awal2 lagi reporter ni dh explain kt akak and you agreed to that as well then what’s the issue? kenapa nak blame dia pulak? pastu generalise kt semua org Islam.. “That is Islam, and if I don’t respect Islam because of the behavior of its people, it’s well justified.”

        apa yg sy perhatikn dr tulisan akak, memg akak ada pendirian akak sendiri tp nmpk mcm kaak terjerat dgn kata2/pegangan akak talk about freedom of speech tp bile org nasihat pasal agama marah pulak..dh nama pn freedom of speech, sukahatila org tu nk tulis apepn..kalu akak kutuk2 Islam smpi buat org annoy boleh pulak iye dok? org lain buat akak annoy tak blh pulak? ironi sgguh..

      • kalau ada freedom of speech dalam Islam, aku boleh murtad secara sukarela, ko ingat aku akan kutuk2 islam ker? aku officially islam pun. kat IC ada tulis Islam, kalau aku apply kat mahkamah syariah mintak keluar, sahih kena reject, ko takder baca paper ker? Itu maknanya islam ni agama paksaan. kalau reporter tu tak hipokrit, dia takdernyer pura2 jadi kawan, konon2 respek aku, pastu belakang tetap nak memburuk-burukkan aku. yang sebok pasal nak nasihat orang ni pehal? ada aku mintak suruh nasihat? do you even understand the meaning of freedom of speech? if there was freedom of speech in malaysia, news like that will not even exist, pasai apa? pasai orang respek pendirian orang lain. Harian Metro is tabloid, it cares nothing about the truth.

      • nory says:

        Tapi kan, the more I read your writing, the more I understand how you became an atheist. Tapi saya pn nk ucapkn terima kasih betapa akak mnguatkn lg iman sy pd agama Islam n m’buatkn sy lebih faham isu2 aqidah yg berlaku skrg; why this/ why that etc etc, as well as m’buatkn sy rsa nk jga iman sy dgn betul2 supaya sy tetap mati dlm Islam..I don’t know how to explain but it’s a personal feeling 🙂

        Thanks a lot!

      • it’s okay. good for you lah if religion gives you that sense of peace.

    • I will stop insulting Islam the moment Muslims stop discrimination towards Jews, kafirs, murtads, LGBTs, dogs, pigs, people who touch dogs, people who eat pigs, stop polygamy, child marriages, honour culture, blaming rape victims, and stop talking about hudud, and meddling in politics too. Now do we have a deal?

      Ko kata orang tak suka kalau orang kacau puppy, ko ingat kelakuan dan ajaran Islam tak ganggu orang ker? Aku nak murtad pun kena ugut bunuh. Memang patut lah aku komplen Islam ugama pengganas.

  12. izmi says:

    Kak juli, i’m proud of your career achievement. Bukan mudah cabaran kerja di negara Scandinavia. Dalam post seterusnya, kak juli ceritalah pengalaman bekerja disana.

  13. Kitty Raj says:

    Best nyer! Kawan ku femes! I also want to tumpang glamour! >.<

  14. M Helmi says:

    Kak Juli,

    Next time tolong cerita pasal negara2 Scandinavia.
    Dah lama nak pi sana tgk cara hidup org sana, belajar cmna depa leh jadi negara terbaik kt dunia etc. Hehe.. Dulu2 berangan nak pi Finland sebab masa tu kenal Finland ja hahaha

  15. yati says:

    Juli, Juli….you seem disturbed with my postings. You can see some truths in what I said but you are in constant denial. You are labelling me with all sorts of accusations. Why? Who is insecure, really? Alhamdulillah, I am Ok despite your name callings 🙂
    I still like to read your postings. Freedom of reading? Hehe…and of course freedom of speech..

    • V838Mon says:

      Hi, (may I have miss juli’s Consent to reply to Miss Yati)
      I am another malay muslim borne turned atheist ( or a Free thinker.) or to all of you muslims would label me as Kafir. I don’t answer to Allah bcoz I just don’t like his fascist attitude and arrogant personality. (A typical middle east male character). Frankly, I would rather worship the Flying Spaghetti monster in the sky. So now you know where I stand.

      Yati,,, I am guessing you and most malays are cultured muslim, Born and brought up to adulthood as muslim, getting knowledge and learning abt your faith from ulamak, ustaz, ceramah2 and broadcasted ajaran ugama from the govt. All knowledge were served to you by reputable religious teachers, so they claimed You become so confident of their teachings as doubts will make you infidel. Even if you thought of questioning your faith, none of you dare to ask openly fearing of its punishments. Now, you tell Juli who are living in denial.

      Thats my 2cents worth

    • eh eh perasan nyer awak. you are in my blog. you are intrigued. not the other way around. takyah nak perasan sangat. nobody puts a gun to your head and forces you to read. unlike Islam.

  16. lin says:

    Hi juli
    I was a silent reader all this while and reading all the comments others make sometimes made me chuckle big time 😀
    I am someone who still hold the faith to my religion. In your case u are not and I respect that. Your call babe.
    Although I still holds to my faith however seeing and hearing while witnessing it first hand the attitude of the malays (yes malays) of the muslim faith in MY it always made me wonder. ..
    U see..just today I had someone who asked me if the taufoofaa (I know I got the spelling wrong but nahhh) that our department ordered for our team appreciation day is Halal :0
    So when I told her albeit the taufoofaa seller is a chinese but the utensils, ingredients would definitely neither pork nor used to cook pork (I mean cmon its towfoofaa for fuck sake!). After which she launched into a whole new degree of ceramahs to me and ended it with she has done her part (of advising me). I was like hurmm whatt..since when I wanted your advise and since when u see yourself as some one who is fit to give other people advise??!
    Sadly..that is the case of most malays in MY.. they come they speak and then they feel so smug about themselves cos yeah! I’ve done my part of advising you! Now I can die and go to heaven.
    If she asked me for a discussion like why I think it’s Halal and why she thinks it’s Haram, u know having a civilised adult to adult discussion and changing point of views, I am ok.. yet just like you said, they think they are correct nothing but correct so let’s shove it down other peoples throat! U take it cos u have no other choice but to take it!bravo!way to go getting others to see your point of view @.@
    The same kinda people who asked me if that chinese restaurant is Halal cs although it has papan tanda stating pork free they will say ohhh pork free tak semestinya halal..habih ayam tu sembelih tak? Yada yada yada Pundek. .. sigh…
    But it is the same kind of people who will go to Red Box Karaoke Centre (karaoke is huge in MY and Red Box is one place always frequented by the malays) and pay for their package of 4hrs singing + free buffet dinner (good deal ehh ^^) but!
    Red Box Karaoke also have Pork Free signage, Pork Free NOT Halal. Haaa the plot thickens..jeng jeng jenggg
    U see, I have deduced that some of these holier than thou Muslims, are stating Halal or Haram based on their Needs!
    Because they like to sing their butt off while paying it dirt cheap that comes with food; the fact that there is NO Halal signage is OK.
    Takpe, pork free ni.. mana ada serve babi..
    The fact that the venue serves alcohol? Bukan that pun kira Haram ke? Hahahha
    So my conclusion, if they find it convenient for them, yes it’s Halal otherwise it’s Haram. They live happy and when they die they go to heaven. Confirm gila nie!
    Oh by the way the same person who advised me about the towfoofaa just had her first warning letter served on silver platter because she was caught a few times coming to work at 10am while leaving the office at 5.30pm on the dot! (Office gossip word gets around heheh) well it does made me wonder..isn’t that Dishonesty? And Dishonesty aren’t Haram?
    Oh ke Halal Haram cuma kalau isu Babi atau Arak jer? Ke?
    Anyway Juli keep on writing and keep on being a bitch to those who deserve it. Take care 🙂
    And sorry for spamming your blog?.. =.=

    • see? you got it! I don’t care about religion pun, what god people want to pray to, what i care about is how we treat one another. and some of us are using religion to justify their behaviour. that’s wrong.

  17. Norhizam says:

    Are you looking for something thru this blog?
    Are you trying to achieve something or this blog does not mean anything to you?
    .. You dont have to answer if you choose not to.

  18. Shauki Saad says:

    i love how very distorted are the news in all the newspapers

  19. psshh says:

    Hi juli , gosh that reporter/writer/editor pple at metro r so hypocrite , they dont really care bout the fact that islam that muslims nowadays practise is more fucked up than any cult . They just want to get some facts , rare pics so they can sell their papers

  20. tokey pokdeng says:

    can we be friend

  21. Ritz says:

    kalo ko x nak caya islam pun pls jgn kutuk2 kepercayaan orang lain sbb kepercayaan ko pun bukan semestinya betul…ni namanya pandai x boleh diikut n bodoh x boleh di ajar…..lantak ko lah nak jadi apa pun….ko cakap mcm kehidupan ko dulu xde manisnya langsung…..porrrrahhhh lah

    • aku kutuk islam sebab ramai orang islam buli orang tapi tak sedar. ko nak kutuk kepercayaan aku? ada aku kesah? iman murtad aku kuat. ko kutuk lah sampai muntah darah aku tak takut langsung.

      • Ritz says:

        agama lain buli orang ko x nak cakap ke, baca banyak lagi supaya kajian ko tentang agama yang beratus ratus tu lengkap dan sohih…tu pasal aku nampak ko ni pandang slek pada agama islam je…wei mak bapak yang lahir kan ko tu islam kot, kenang la sikit jasa orang islam yang da besarkan ko sampai jadi bijak pandai sampai dah x geti nak berpikir pon

        aku nak tengok sampai mana kuatnya iman murtad ko ni….silakan lah…teruskan, ada aku kesah?

  22. abbysue says:

    Kak juli, rasanya org islam tak kisah pon akak kuar islam. The authority jer yg halang. Apa2 pon org islam tidak bodoh, atheist juga tidak bodoh. Marilah kita berhenti memperbodohkan sesama sendiri

    • authority tu kita jugak yang undi. kalau betul orang islam tak kesah, jom kita sesama bangkang kat Jakim, Jais, mahkamah syariah aper sumer supaya bagi kebebasan orang nak murtad. kita rakyat yang lantik authority kan? kuasa sebenarnya di tangan kita.

  23. stan says:

    seriously ..let them keep believing..u my courageous lady ..just keep evolving… bumper sticker

  24. zydyn says:


  25. Izzie says:

    Kak juli thanks info pasal norway , free education tu!baru tau today.. All to best to u!

  26. Kris says:

    I’m a long time reader of your writing and Twitter, first time poster. Been a while since I’ve visited your blog. THANK YOU For being you and being brave enough to show the rest of us that we are not alone (I just worry about you being so out there and getting recognized if you ever go back home one day. You know how narrow minded and self-righteous we people are. Snort.)

    Seriously, getting sick of reading through the comments and can only imagine how sick and tired you must be of explaining your stance again and again and again and AGAIN! Ugh I feel for you, I really do.

    Stupid journalist couldn’t even ask questions professionally. Everything was “erm” “hrm” “umm” and what kind of journalists uses shitty Malay and craptastic English.

    I don’t have to read the actual article to know that none of the logic you gave him made it into the paper. It sickens me how you were so open and transparent with him and his super fake “I respected your decision” (TENSES YOU IDIOT – you embody the stupid Malaysian education system!!!) amounted to absolutely nothing.

    I’m glad you published the entire interview. I hope he knows you did and he’s seen it so he can go hide under a rock and change his phone number.

    My support and heart goes out to you. Malay Murtads unite!

  27. […] Interview With The Murtad (unedited) […]

  28. […] bila keluar di muka depan Harian Metro. Sebenarnya dia bagi muka penuh, tapi kena blur oleh HM. Baca sini untuk tahu […]

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